Asthma Triggers: Identifying and Managing Factors that Worsen Symptoms

Living with asthma? Dr. Jose Medina-Bairan, Dr. Gabriel Medina-Smester, and Dr. Juan Guarderas at Maranatha Medical Plaza in Valdosta, GA, are committed to helping you live a fulfilling life in spite of your condition. 

Common Asthma Triggers and How to Manage Them 

 Asthma is an extremely common respiratory condition that can be very dangerous and potentially fatal. As such, it’s important for those living with the condition to know their triggers and avoid them when possible. In the guide below, Dr. Medina, Dr. Medina-Smester, and Dr. Guarderas at Maranatha Medical Plaza in Valdosta, GA, share some of the most common triggers and methods to manage them. 


 Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, as well as that from fireplaces and campfires, are common triggers. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about quitting. If you live with someone who smokes, speak to them about smoking outdoors or in an area that prevents your exposure. 

Food and Medication 

 Peanuts and some types of fish, as well as some OTC medications like ibuprofen, can trigger an attack. Avoid any foods that trigger symptoms. If you find that you have a flare-up with specific medications, speak to your doctor about alternatives. 


 Though your dog or cat may be your best friend, their dander or saliva might trigger your asthma. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to get rid of them, but you will need to make some changes. For example, you might have to get another family member to handle their grooming, vacuum and damp dust more often, and shower after handling your pet. 

Medical Issues 

 Avoiding triggers can be difficult when they are due to an issue with your health, such as a cold, the flu, acid reflux, or fluctuating pregnancy hormones. In such cases, it’s vital that you work with your doctor to address the health issue and find the best management techniques. 

Mold and Pests 

 Pests such as rats, mice, dust mites, and cockroaches all leave unhealthy things behind that can trigger or worsen your condition, as can any mold in your home. You can limit the impact by throwing away moldy items immediately, keeping your home clean and free from trash and clutter, vacuuming regularly, and washing bedding consistently. 

External Environmental Factors

 Extreme temperatures and weather conditions as well as pollen are all well-known triggers. Limit your outdoor exposure when the pollen count or humidity is high or it’s stormy. 

Learn more about asthma triggers and the best ways to avoid them by visiting Dr. Medina, Dr. Medina-Smester, and Dr. Guarderas at Maranatha Medical Plaza in Valdosta, GA. Call (229) 247-1667 to schedule an appointment today.

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